At LDC, we provide unbiased expertise and thoroughness in the preparation of environmental assessments, impact reports/statements, negative declarations, and mitigation monitoring plans. We have served as lead consultant (or assisted other consultants) in the preparation and processing of numerous types of environmental documents, including Negative Declarations (ND), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND), and Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), and Constraints reports. In addition, LDC has extensive experience in the preparation and processing of the following documents:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Individual & Nationwide 404 Permits
Department of Fish & Game Streambed Alteration Agreements
Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 Certification
Wetlands Delineation
Revegetation & Wetland Restoration Plans
Habitat Management Plans
Oak Tree Surveys & Permits
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) & Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP)
Fuel Modification Plans
Continuing education keeps our staff abreast of the ever-changing complexities of CEQA and various state and federal regulatory requirements and ensures that our solutions to the environmental planning challenges of today are both innovative and informed.